
You know, a thing that you play, generally with others.

Ex Eradicus

  • #eradicus
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  • #sgs

The worlds are dead. We stand on their ashes, gray clay underfoot, gray expanse of stone above. We are those left behind by the cataclysm, the debris of annihilation. Dust.

Spiral Game System

  • #sgs
  • #core
  • #game

Our new flagship game system, complete with a new website for building and running your games!

The Lost Soul Blues

  • #game
  • #free

The Lost Soul Blues is a short, compact game about lost souls trying to earn their freedom from Hell. Don’t let the 3 pages fool you, there’s rules for the players, rules for the GM, and even mods and rules for advancement.

Firefighter Sharks in Space

  • #game
  • #free

Whooooah, dude! Space is the most dangerous place for fires, and only sharks like you have the skills, guts, and fearsome drive to fight them!

The Dawnline

  • #tdl
  • #core
  • #game

To the West is the Dark, swarming with Sirens and their kind.

To the East is the Light, armageddon to all that it touches.

Between them is civilization, scattered and hungry.

The Dawnline is a tabletop roleplaying game about a group of vampires protecting a nomadic village on a world where day and night are places, and where all of society lives in the twilight in between.

Heroines of the First Age

  • #hfa
  • #core
  • #game

Sing, Muse, of Xlu the Red, of Tyakua the Stonebound, of Elbor the Unjust. Sing of the Heroines of the First Age, of the fire at the beginning of the world.

HFA is a tabletop role-playing game about larger-than-life monsters and the dawn of civilization. HFA is the intersection between monstergirls, RPGs, and myth & legend.

Oubliette Second Edition

  • #oubliette
  • #core
  • #game
  • #featured

Your immortality is not in question. But what will you do with your new power now that you’re trapped in the World of the Forsaken?

Oubliette. A dungeon with no way out. A place to put things to forget about them. A grand castle filled with destitute immortals. A world that is heaven, hell, or something in between.

Summoner's Grimoire

  • #sg
  • #core
  • #game

Summoner’s Grimoire is the best kept secret of the occult world. It was mentioned in the Necronomicon, the Book of Enoch, and the Dead Sea Scrolls (all of whom gave it five stars). HP Lovecraft allegedly played Summoner’s Grimoire with his 2-6 closest tentac-err… friends.


1 post

  • #brevity
  • #game
  • #out-of-print

Brevity is a simple universal role-playing game system. It features one simple resolution mechanic and a unique combination-based set of statistics that make it easy to create any kind of character you want.