The Dawnline: Feral States
There are as many monsters in the world as there are dunes in the twilight. Some are simple to deal with.
There are as many monsters in the world as there are dunes in the twilight. Some are simple to deal with.
Requires Heroines of the First Age to play! Enter Post-Surge America, where racial tensions are at an all time high, immigration is a matter of immediate life and death for all involved, and you’d kill for a job at the burger joint around the corner.
Requires Heroines of the First Age to play! Enter an epic science fiction tabletop RPG about a pinnacle metaspieces poised on the knife edge between decline and transcendence!
Requires Heroines of the First Age to play! Enter an epic fantasy tabletop RPG about reincarnated monsters, endangered gods, and mutually assured destruction on the last world in existence.